Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye 2012, Hello 2013

A year ago we were ringing in the New Year in Rome. My mom and sister were visiting and we had just returned from a fabulous little road trip through Tuscany. We knew 2012 was going to bring a lot of changes, we just didn't know quite how many.

In 2012 we said goodbye to Rome. We moved back to the States without jobs or knowing where we would end up. Within a month of being home we both found great jobs in Auburn and decided we would stay a while. And now we're expecting our first little baby, which I still haven't wrapped my brain around.

I'm learning more and more that there is a method to the madness and that He has a plan. If you would have told me a year ago that today I'd be within 2 weeks of my due date and that I'd be living in Auburn blocks away from where I grew up, I would have told you that you were crazy. But, as I'm living it I love it and I wouldn't change it for a thing. Over and over God has shown me that His plan for my life is far greater than anything I could have imagined or put in place myself.

I'm saying goodbye to 2012 with a box of Kleenex and Vicks VapoRub on my couch. Though it's not the most exciting way to end one year and begin the next, I'm thankful for all that 2012 had to offer and very excited for what 2013 will bring.

Buon anno a tutti!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Finally got the tree back up and redecorated for Christmas, and our stockings (including Libby's) are hung by the chimney with care.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Baby Update: 36 weeks

Let Baby Watch 2012/2013 begin.

I'm officially 4 weeks away from my due date. Though I am getting more and more uncomfortable and excited about meeting this baby, I'd really like him or her to hang out for just a little longer.

I'd really like to have time to unpack our house, redecorate for Christmas, redo the nursery, and make a small stockpile of meals to have ready in the freezer. Selfish me. :-)

Today I had another baby appointment and everything is good. I've gained another pound. Putting me at 19lbs. gained so far. And, Baby J's heart rate was 134. The baby has "dropped" which is supposed to make me feel more comfortable, but those little feet are still in my ribs. Things are progressing like they should and this baby could come any time. The average for first time moms with a healthy pregnancy to deliver is 40 weeks and 3 days. So I could waddle around for a few more weeks, or go into labor this afternoon. Yikes...I'll take the first option please.

In other news, we moved on Saturday. And, while the movers were at our old house I conveniently had a baby shower. Is that good planning or what? The movers showed up 8:00am and by the time I was home at noon all the boxes were moved in and the furniture was in place at the new house.

As blissfully easy as it sounds the move happened it in actuality has been quite stressful. Packing, while working full time, while having a huge jewelry order to fulfill, while being 35+ weeks pregnant is not for the faint of heart.  Not to mention that 2 weeks ago we didn't even know we would be moving.

I am so blessed to have such an amazing family and husband. Jim, my mom and Jim's parents all stepped up and helped big time. They helped pack and move and then unpack, they helped clean the old house, and they helped this mamma-to-be stay calm and forced me not to do too much. I really cannot thank them enough.

The house is coming along nicely. And, we are almost done unpacking. I'm so proud of us. Nothing like a baby on the way to give a little extra motivation to get things done! I'll share more photos when we have things a little more set up.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Baby Update: 34 weeks and a move

Nursery complete...check.

Baby gear assembled...check.

Baby clothes washed...check (and folded and put away...if you know me you know I have a slight problem with folding clothes after they're washed and putting them away).

Childbirth classes...check (well, we're done with the first week, 2 more classes to go).

Hospital bags packed...almost (I've made my packing list).

We're officially 6 weeks away from Baby J's due date. That's a month and a half, or about 45 days. And from what I understand the due date is more of a general suggestion, so Baby J will come when he/she wants to come and that could be sooner than 6 weeks. (Can you tell I'm a bit nervous about that?)

Where did the time go?

Are we really ready to be parents?

What if I mess up?

Why didn't I insist on being a babysitter when I was growing up?

How am I going to balance, my jewelry business, taking care of Libby, keeping up with the chores, feeding my family, oh, and taking care of a BABY?

Overwhelming is beyond an understatement.

Thankfully God still has a sense of humor. To take my mind off all the stresses and fears of having a baby He has thrown a move into the mix. That's right. We're moving! Basically just down the street and around the corner, probably half a mile in total. But moving none the less. We're making the change for a variety of reasons. We mainly just need a house that is going to work better for our family. So by December 15 we will be out of our current house and in to the new one.

The nursery that is complete will have to be redone. The Christmas tree will be undecorated and then redecorated. And all that unpacking I finally finished. Well, it will be repacked and then unpacked again, but this time I promise not to take 8+ months. :-)

Are we crazy? Probably.

Yesterday I had my 34 week appointment. I only gained 1lb. from my last appointment, but I can tell you it feels like a million. Over the weekend I kept telling Jim that I felt like I had feet sticking in my ribs. Well, I was right. Baby J has nestled in to the head down position, which is exactly what we want, which means those little feet are going to be in my ribs until his or her birthday. Baby's heart rate was great, 127 to be exact.

The next few weeks are going to fly by. Besides moving, I'm super busy at work finishing up end of year stuff and working on my handover for while I'm on maternity leave. We get a full 2 weeks off for Christmas (thankfully that will give me time to unpack and get the house set up) and we go back to work 1.5 weeks before my due date. I'm planning on coming back, but that depends on what Baby J decides to do. So for my comfort and the sanity of my bosses I'm having everything completed before the holidays. I'm also trying to keep up with jewelry for the busy Christmas shopping season. And, I'm thrilled to announce that Emma Jane Designs is the newest addition at the Lilly Barrack stores (3 to be exact) in Albuquerque, NM. I'm beyond excited about this opportunity, but it quadrupled my work load. So in addition to keeping up with current demand, I'm working my booty off to build my inventory for the first few months of next year. I hear I'm going to be pretty busy and slightly sleep deprived with a newborn, so I'm planning ahead.

I was going to give you a few more pictures of the nursery, which is looking awesome, but I think I'll wait until we are in our new house and let your anticipation build...hah. (Trying to laugh about all of this because if I don't laugh I'll cry.)

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving Adventures

What do you get when you combine a very pregnant person (32.5 weeks to be exact), a 7lb. car-sick prone dachshund, and a 12 hour car ride (one-way)?

Thanksgiving 2012, of course!

This year a trip to my dad's was well overdue. I haven't seen my dad, my little sister, or grandmother in over 2 years, since our wedding. I'm too far along to fly, and let's be honest, who wants to pay $400+ per ticket for a 2 hour flight any ways, so we decided driving would be our best option. And bringing Libby, well, that's not ideal, but we didn't want to board her for a week.

Now, let's flashback quickly to Christmas 2011. Remember our road trip through Tuscany? It was like a comedy of errors. Poor Libby got sick 4 times in the first hour on the road. And, I'll mention too, that Libby, just like her mother, gets carsick on the way to Lake Martin...and that's just a 30 min. trip.

So at the crack of dawn on Wednesday (actually 3:45am) we set out for our looooong drive.


Extra pillows to keep mamma-to-be comfy...check.

Plenty of music for the drive...check.

Directions...check, check.

Our drive was uneventful, which is exactly how you want a long trip to be. I'm happy to report that Libby did GREAT. She didn't get sick once. She did have to sit in my lap the entire way, but I enjoyed the snuggle time. We made great time and got to my dad's exactly 12 hours after we left Auburn, just in time for dinner and to celebrate Jessica's 8th birthday.

In addition to eating tons of yummy food, we took a drive on Skyline Drive. It was pretty cool. Lots of amazing views and we even saw a black bear! Yikes! We also went to the new Air & Space Museum that is out by Dulles Airport. It was my first time going to that one, but I've been to the one in D.C. many, many times. It was one of our favorite things to do when we were visiting our dad when we were little, so every time we were there we had to go to that museum.

The museum was awesome. It's like taking a trip down memory lane for my family. PapPap (Wes is his real name) is my grandfather and he was an amazing person. He was in the air force and flew B-52 bombers in WWII. The average life span of a flight crew was about 12 missions. His crew flew more than 30. He was a brilliant engineer and went in to research and development after the war and was project manager on some pretty amazing projects, including developing the brake system and tires for the space shuttles. It makes me sad that Jim never got to meet him and makes me even more sad that Baby J won't get to know him.

The trip was a quick one, but it was so nice to see everyone. On Sunday we made the looooong drive back to Auburn. That trip took us 13+ hours and was a bit of a nightmare. There was just so much traffic, it was unbelievable. Libby had another good car ride though. She slept on my lap the whole way back and didn't have any problems. So proud of my little girl!

Here are a few pictures from the trip:

Poor Libby was so worried we were going to forget her.
Family photo attempt #1
Family photo attempt #2
Jessica and Libby being silly.
See that black spot in the center? That's a black bear.

Me and the Hubby at the Air & Space Museum.

I LOVE all these planes! So cool.

The space shuttle that PapPap designed the tires and brake system for.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Baby Update: 32 weeks

Slow down baby! Mamma can't keep up with your non-stop growth spurt!

The past few weeks have been interesting to say the least. Baby J has done some serious growing and I'm doing some serious slowing down. No longer are people commenting on how small I am. Along with the joys of knowing that this little baby is growing come some discomforts. It's mainly just the heartburn and sleeping (or lack there of) that's driving me crazy. My mom said she had horrible heartburn when she was pregnant with me. I guess this is payback for that. But, on the up side, we're entering the final countdown. Only 8 more weeks of slight discomfort. I really have to emphasize the slight. We are beyond blessed with this pregnancy. I really, really cannot complain about anything. And, Jim loves to remind me that my back always hurt before I was pregnant.

I had another appointment this morning. It was great because Jordan, Jim's sister, is home from school for Thanksgiving and she was able to come with me to the appointment and hear the baby's heartbeat. She is VERY excited about being an aunt. :-) I'm up 17lbs. and baby's heartbeat was a strong 130. Have I mentioned that I love hearing that heartbeat? Such an amazing reassurance.

Tomorrow morning we're leaving at the crack of dawn to drive to my dad's in Virginia for Thanksgiving. It is going to be a loooong drive, but we're very excited to see that side of the family.

Once we're back from Thanksgiving I'll be in full baby prep mode. Right now I feel like I'm in a kind of holding pattern. I'm waiting for the rest of the furniture to arrive (just the bookshelf), I'm waiting to buy the rest of the baby gear that we need, I'm waiting to pack our hospital bags, I'm waiting to learn more about the birthing process and newborn care (our classes aren't until December). I'm just waiting, waiting, waiting. Don't get me wrong, I'm very thankful to have 2 more months to prep for Baby J. I'm just feeling antsy. I'm guessing this is totally normal though.

The nursery is looking great. Here's a peek at the progress (sorry the lighting isn't very good):

The crib. Jim and his dad (aka Pop Pop) put it together last night.

Close up of the crib bedding. Grey hand-tufted bumpers and percale
cotton sheets in Dune from Restoration Hardware Baby & Child with a basic
white cotton crib skirt from 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Baby Update: 30 weeks

I'm getting BIG! :-)
30 weeks down, 10 weeks to go!

I'm still feeling great, but definitely starting to feel pregnant. I've obviously been feeling pregnant for a while now between the growing belly and the baby kicks, but I'm talking more about feeling the restrictions of pregnancy. I get really tired really fast. I'm used to going 90 miles an hour and I just can't. And sleeping, well I've said goodbye to that. There is no comfortable way to sleep. My Boppy full body pillow doesn't even do the trick anymore. I guess this is prepping me for all those sleepless nights to come. I've also started having a few noticeable Braxton Hicks contractions. These are the false labor pains that are totally normal. They aren't painful or regular and help your body prepare for the real deal. I actually wish they didn't call them contractions. That word - contractions - freaks me out. I haven't even been able to start reading the labor and delivery section of my What to Expect book. All I want to know is when does the stork come in?

I had another one of my regularly scheduled appointments this morning. Everything is good. I've gained 15lbs. and the baby's heartbeat is still strong. Baby J has been on a non-stop growth spurt the past few weeks, part of why I've been soooo exhausted. Dr. Golden said just wait, this growth spurt was nothing. :-) Baby J still has a LOT of growing left to do in a relatively short amount of time. From here I start having appointments every other week until Christmas. Then I'll be 36 weeks and will start going every week.

I really wish I could find out more about the baby, like how big it is right now, if he/she has any hair, if he/she is a he or a she. I'm just so curious. I'm curious to know what Baby J will look like and what his/her personality is like. It's so crazy to think that this little thing inside me will grow up to be a person. Kind of mind-boggling to think about.

Exciting things are happening in the nursery. First of all, we have a room we can actually call a nursery. We had to completely clear out everything and do some major cleaning. This was one of those rooms we always kept the door to shut. We still had things we hadn't unpacked yet from living in Rome. I'll let you do the math, but we moved back to the States in February...

***Side note on the benefits of unpacking...I had a favorite pair of handmade shoes that I got in Capri, Italy. I LOVED them. I loved them more than you should love a materialistic thing. And can you believe they were the one thing I couldn't find after moving back. I was so sad. I might have even cried about it. I had it set in my mind that we were just going to have to take a trip back to Capri so I could get another pair. A bit excessive? Absolutely, but they were my favorite. So anyways, I was unpacking a bag that was in the nursery-to-be and there at the very bottom I saw a little glimmer of gold leather. My heart literally skipped a beat. I didn't believe what I was seeing. Sure enough, when I pulled everything else out, there they were. My beloved handmade gold flats. It was a very exciting moment in the Hunt house. Lesson learned? Yes. Unpack everything. :-)

I'm LOVING the nursery so far. I'm not really going with a traditional nursery design. I'm being selfish and designing a room that I want to spend a lot of time in. It will be calming and soothing for mom, dad, and baby. At least that is what I'm hoping. I'll let you know how calming and soothing it is after lots of midnight feedings and poopy diapers.

We've got all the furniture ordered from Pottery Barn Kids. So far just the rocker has arrived. The crib, which is backordered, should ship next week. The dresser/changing table shipped a few days ago and should arrive next week. Our super awesome carpet from Flor arrived Tuesday, and today I ordered all our crib bedding and the mirror for above the dresser from RH Baby & Child. (I am obsessed with Restoration Hardware!) I'm so excited everything is finally coming together!

Here's a sneak peek of the progress:

My rocker, complete with the fabulous pashmina throw
I got in Nepal that was handmade by women.

Close up of the rug from Flor. I used 2 different styles,
Feelin' Groovy and Rack Me Over, both in the color Sterling.

The mantle.

Close up of the dachshund bookends. Yup, that's right.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Baby Update: 27 weeks

It's been business as usual since my last baby update. Not much has changed, except for the size of my belly.

It's the very last week of my second trimester. Next week I'll begin my third trimester, which means this baby's birthday is getting closer and closer.

I'm feeling great. I've got tons of energy and I'm having virtually no side effects from this pregnancy. My weight gain has been steadily creeping up. I've gained 12lbs. so far.

***Side note on weight gain: I just think it is crazy the pressure that is put on women. When you aren't pregnant you are not small enough, and when you're pregnant you suddenly aren't big enough. I've had so many people comment on how small I am. I know it is meant as a compliment, but it just makes me feel self conscious and then I start to worry about the baby. (Also crazy how much I'm already worrying about the health, safety, and well-being of this little baby). For example, last week I was getting a pedicure and another girl walked in who was very pregnant. The pedicurist asked her when she was due, I thought for sure she was going to say the end of October or November. But no, she said she was due January 23. Then the pedicurist looked at me and said, "But you're due January 15, why you so small?" Maybe it is the hormones, but all I wanted to do was cry.

Anyways, I had my monthly appointment this morning. My favorite part of these appointments is that I get to hear Baby J's little heartbeat. Since I'm not high risk and baby is developing perfectly I don't have any scheduled ultrasounds, so these little heartbeats and kicks are all I get until Baby J makes his or her appearance. It is 30 seconds that I cherish. Today Baby J's heartbeat was 137 - good and strong, just the way we like it. And, if you were wondering, Dr. Golden is very happy with my weight gain and the baby's development. He told me that everyone carries different and some people gain all their weight at the beginning and some at the end, and some gain steadily all along. And he told me not to worry.

I have another appointment in 3 weeks, then I start having appointments every other week until Christmas. Then I have appointments every week until Baby J decides to come! 3 months seems like forever to wait, but at the same time it seems way too close! 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Showered with Love

The invitations, designed by me.
It's really happening! I'm having a baby!

I have to keep reminding myself. I don't think I'll fully comprehend it until I'm in the hospital, and even then I'm sure I'll feel like it's a dream.

Over the weekend my sister hosted my very first baby shower.

We kept the menu limited to sweet treats, including homemade lavender macarons made by my incredibly talented sister.

It was a great day of full of friends, fellowship, and fun. I'm so blessed to have such a great support system to lift me up and keep me from freaking out completely. Don't get me wrong, Jim and I couldn't be more excited or more happy about having a baby. I'm just feeling such an overwhelming sense of responsibility and feel like I just don't have enough time to prepare.

Here are a few of my favorite pictures:

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Why I Care

I have the most amazing job in the world. I get to work with students from all around the world who are passionate about making a difference in the world. Not only are they passionate, but they are actually doing something.

Lately I've had the pleasure of working with a group of students who created something called the Why Care? Campaign. The concept is simple. Before you can take action, you first have to realize why you care. The students set out on a quest to ask people to share why they care about hunger with the goal of collecting 10,000 by World Food Day on October 16. I was there to provide the tech support - creating the website and the graphics for the campaign - along with promoting the campaign amongst the 300+ universities involved with Universities Fighting World Hunger. So far, the results have been nothing short of amazing.

Most of you know that I care about hunger, especially since it is my job to care...literally. But for me, it goes a little deeper and is much more than a job. Here's why I care:

In 2002, when I was just 15 years old, I had the opportunity to go to Haiti on a mission trip with my church youth group. I some how got my parents to agree to let me go and on a hot day in July boarded a plane to Miami and then on to Port-au-Prince with my now husband and Father-in-Law, plus 6 other students and 3 adults. I remember getting off the plane and feeling like I had just opened the door of a hot oven - the heat and humidity hit me like a ton of bricks.

I really had no idea what I was getting in to. It was my first time traveling out of the US. I knew that Haiti was a poor country, one of the poorest in the western hemisphere. I knew that it had struggled throughout its history with political disputes. I knew all of this, but didn't really think about it before I got there. I never thought about the lasting consequences of hunger or its devastating effects on the success, or failure, of a country. Haiti was about to open my eyes and completely change my world view.

While in Haiti there were many, many experiences - some down right frightening, others simply heartbreaking - that opened my eyes. Though we had things stolen and were completely surrounded at times I never once was mad at the people. I realized it was all from an act of desperation to provide for their families. Something that touched my heart, but that I could never really understand until now, as I prepare to have a family of my own.

Haiti set me on my path to do something to help others. At 15 I wasn't sure what it would turn out to look like, but I knew I would do something. I went on several more mission trips throughout high school and during college I was very involved with the Committee of 19, the Auburn chapter of UFWH. But it wasn't until after my junior year of college when I had my internship at the World Food Programme headquarters in Rome, Italy that I realized I didn't need to be physically feeding people to make a difference. My role as a humanitarian would be as an advocate, inspiring others - specifically students - to make a difference. As one person I knew it was going to be hard to feel like I was making an impact, but if I could inspire an entire generation, real change was within reach.

The smells and the sounds of that country still haunt me. But I am thankful for the experiences that molded me and shaped my life. Haiti ignited my passion and helped me realize why I care.

Monday, October 1, 2012

McCrady's Restaurant

Food is good, and good food is even better. Every now and then you get to experience a meal that stirs your emotions and leaves you wanting more. McCrady's was one of those experiences.

Tucked away in a little alley in Charleston, South Carolina is a little gem of a restaurant that has been there since 1788 and I'm sure has only gotten better over time. It is now creating culinary masterpieces under the direction of Executive Chef Sean Brock, who won the 2010 James Beard Best Chef Southeast award.

The restaurant specializes in innovative cuisine using a fresh farm to table approach. They work with local farmers and producers to use only fresh, seasonal ingredients and sustainably harvested seafood.

We chose to do the 4 course tasting menu and Jim took the option with wine pairings for each course. Here's what we had:

Jim's Menu:
First Course - 
Masami Ranch Wagyu Beef Tartare
Egg Yolk, Ramps, Chrysanthemum and Black Walnuts
Wine Pairing - Brut-Premier Cru, Rene Geoffroy, "Expression". Champagne-France

Fish Course - 
Grilled Charleston Swordfish
Roasted Cabbage, Turnips, and Green Apple
Wine Pairing - Riesling, Donnhoff, "Tonschiefer". Nahe-Germany

Meat Course - 
Moulard Duck
Heirloom Pumpkin, Lacinato Kale, Butter Peas and Pear
Wine Pairing - Gamay Robert Serol, Cote Roannaise-France

Dessert - 
Chocolate Pots de Crème
Peanut Butter and Vanilla Mascarpone
Wine Pairing - Brachetto/Moscato, Euo Perrone, "Bigaro". Piedmont-Italy

Emma's Menu:
First Course - 
Pears Roasted over Pecan Shells
Pecan, Coconut and Grains of Paradise

Fish Course - 
Snapper Crusted with Green Peppercorn
Carrots, Whey and Wild Beach Herbs

Meat Course - 
Thornhill Farms Chicken
Autumn Greens, Chesnut, Apricot and Roasted Garlic

Dessert Course - 
Heirloom Pumpkin
Vanilla Ice Cream, Gingerbread

Simply listing the menu cannot begin to describe how great this meal was. Everything from the ambiance in the restaurant to the perfectly timed courses was outstanding. This is a splurge, but it is an experience that is well worth the price. I highly, highly recommend making a trip to Charleston just to eat at McCrady's.

Oh, and plan to get there early for your reservation so you can enjoy a cocktail or two and some phenomenal bar snacks that will only tempt your taste buds with what's to come.

Charleston, South Carolina

Charleston is a town like no other. It is the epitome of Southern culture and style. I'd been there once before, but Jim had never been, so we decided to take a long weekend trip to explore this Southern gem.

Charleston is an old port city known as The Holy City for the abundance of churches that dot the city. It is rich in history as it was part of the original 13 colonies and due to it's strategic location was home to many important battles during the Revolution and Civil War. The city also has some impressive preservation laws deeming that anything that has reached at 75 years of age has historical significance and must be protected. I can imagine this could be a nuisance if you are attempting to do any work on a home or building, but it has left this unique city perfectly preserved. When you walk down the streets south of Broad St. it is almost as if you have stepped back in time.

I've said it before, but we LOVE food. For us, traveling is all about discovering the local cuisine. My sister, Laura, and her boyfriend, Dustin, share this philosophy and were along for the long weekend trip. We all ate our way around the city and thoroughly enjoyed every bite. Here are a few of my recommendations:

Best place for dinner:
Poogan's Porch
72 Queen Street

We ate here for dinner the first night.

This little find has great ambiance and even better food. It is a must for dinner if you find yourself in Charleston. The value is great, entrees range from $18-25. They specialize in low-country classics with a twist. You will not be disappointed.

Best place for lunch:
Fleet Landing
186 Concord Street

For a quick and yummy lunch we stopped at Fleet Landing, right on the waterfront. I would recommend this place for lunch. We all got fried seafood baskets with tons of fried goodness for less than $9 each.

Best place for a splurge:
McCrady's Restaurant
2 Union Alley

Hand's down this is the best restaurant I've ever eaten at in my entire life. It is a splurge, but well worth it. Starting at $60 per person you can enjoy a 4 course chef's tasting menu that is an absolute feast for your senses. Click here for more about our experience.

Best place for chocolate:
Christophe Artisan Chocolatier
90 Society Street

For a rich and decadent treat, Christophe's is the place to go. At $1.85 a piece the chocolate is a bit pricey, but 1 or 2 of these little morsels is all you need. I had a piece of dark chocolate filled with lavender caramel. It was divine.

Best place for brunch:
Hominy Grill
207 Rutledge Avenue

This is a great place to go for a good 'ol fashioned Southern brunch. It's a little off the beaten path and they don't take reservations for brunch, so get there early and plan to wait.

These are just a few of the places we tried and enjoyed and would definitely go back to, but if the few places we tried are any indication of what else Charleston has to offer you pretty much won't be disappointed no matter where you dine.

I'll leave you with a few of our favorite pictures from the trip: