Saturday, September 17, 2011

One year in Rome

A year ago today I stepped on a plane and started a new life in Rome. We've grown to love this city and this country, and each day it gets a little easier being so far away from family and friends.

On that note I'll leave you with a few photos from this past year.

And it wouldn't be complete without
the classic cat picture.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Language Barrier...Update

It's been a little over a week a week that I decided I was going to learn Italian for real. I made the goal of studying 30 minutes a day during the week and then longer on the weekends. Well, needless to say, I'm still on the Primi Contatti section of my Italian textbook. But, every day I think about learning Italian, so that has to count for something, right?

Okay, so even though I haven't made the best effort at sticking to a daily study schedule, I did join a yoga center in Trastevere. But what, might you ask, does this have to do with learning Italian? Well, the classes are only taught in Italian. I had my first class last night, I was a little nervous going in. But after an hour and half I was communicating pretty well with the instructor, Alessandro, and the other student, Valentina. Plus, I've learned loads of words so far, mainly body parts, and a few useful yoga phrases.

And now for a funny observation. Any one that knows me knows that I always am getting my lefts and rights confused. It is sad, I know, but it's just the way I am. I was thinking maybe this would be true only in English, but no. I also get my lefts (sinistra) and rights (destra) mixed up in Italian. Alessandro would say "gamba destra" and I'd stick out my left leg. Then he would chuckle and say "no, l'altra gamba!" Mamma mia...maybe one day I'll get it figured out.

I'm really looking forward to my next class Thursday night.

Ciao a tutti.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Forno al Ghetto

This little, unmarked corner store holds the key to happiness - my beloved Forno al Ghetto. This is where you can get an unbelievably delicious torta di ricotta e ciocolata made by 3 old Jewish-Italian ladies. They serve it with attitude and they get angry when they have to cut up a pie in less than a quarter, but it is worth it.

They have lots of other slightly burnt baked goods, like a macaroons, hand-held fruitcake type breads, and cinnamon-almond biscotti.

My favorite day to go is on Sundays. Because it is in the Jewish area of town it is closed on Saturdays. They sell out fast, so go early.

When in Rome, this is a must.

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Language Barrier

Well, I'm ashamed to confess that after living in Italy for a year I still can't hold a conversation in Italian. I'm really good at getting by and talking food, but honestly that is about it. I still find myself speaking Spanish with an Italian accent, without even realizing, yet thinking people will understand.

And, while I'm confessing, I'll add that I bought a great Italian textbook while I was here as an intern in 2009 and I'm still on the Primi contatti, the little section that comes before lesson one. Yup, it's bad.

I work in English and English is the common language with all my friends, so I really only need Italian on the weekends when we are going to the market, running errands, or going out to eat. But, it definitely doesn't give you a good sense of belonging and I need to stop making excuses. So I'm making it my goal to become fluent in Italian. I'm going to spend 30 minutes each weekday and then 1-2 hours a day on the weekends studying, and I'm going insist that my Italian friends only speak Italian with me.

I'm throwing caution to the wind and putting my fears of sounding stupid aside. So here's to learning the language. Wish me luck!

Ciao a tutti.