Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Baby Update: Not sure how much longer I can wait

41 weeks and STILL pregnant.

I'm trying hard not to get frustrated, but it is getting really difficult. I'm not a patient person to begin with, and this is just getting a bit ridiculous. Although it will never get old seeing the look on people's faces when they ask me when I'm due and I say 7 days ago. It's priceless, really.

Yesterday I had an appointment with an ultrasound and a non-stress test to check on Baby J. The point of these tests was to make sure there wasn't a medical reason we needed to induce sooner than the 28th. (I'll be 42 weeks on the 29th, and they don't let you go past that. So if Baby J doesn't come by then he or she will be getting an eviction notice)

Everything was perfect with Baby J. Thankfully we were able to keep Baby J's gender a surprise. Yes, I really, really, REALLY want to know what we are having, but I've made it 41 weeks without knowing. So what would be the fun in finding out now. It is very funny though that 20 weeks ago I was begging the ultrasound tech to let me know, and now I was begging her not to tell us. It's like a cruel joke, but it will make sweet Baby J's birthday that much sweeter.

Baby J did great on the non-stress test too. They hooked me up to fetal heart rate monitors for 30 min. and when I felt the baby move I had to click a button. They are checking that when the heart rate increases it is because the baby is moving and when the heart rate decreases it is because baby is resting.

Based on the results of the test and ultrasound Baby J is good to hang out for a little longer. And after talking with my doctor we all feel good about giving Baby J a little more time. My doctor said only 5% of women make it to 42 weeks without going in to labor. So the odds are in my favor that any day now I will go into labor on my own.

I'm fine with waiting (though it is not easy) because it is Baby J that signals my body he or she is ready, not my body signaling it. Plus conditions are not favorable enough in my body at the moment, so inducing now would mean a really long and hard labor for me. Yuck.

I go back on Thursday for another non-stress test and exam. Hopefully Baby J will decide to come before then!


  1. Continued prayers! :) I know you're ready.

  2. You hang in there! Mason was almost two weeks late. Baby J will come when he/she is ready. You are smart to listen to the doctors and not be pressured into making a decision that is not the best for all of you! Nancy B.
