Jane is 3 months and some odd weeks old now and I feel like I'm finally getting the hang of it and feeling a bit more settled in to my new life.
Being a parent is so much harder than I ever could have imagined. It is literally a 24 hour job. And the worrying, holy cow, I don't think there is a second that goes by that I don't worry about this sweet little girl. I do a lot of praying for peace these days in my attempt not to become a crazy, overprotective parent.
Jane is a healthy, thriving little girl. She is packing on the pounds (up to almost 14lbs., which means this little chunk has nearly doubled in weight since birth!) She has found her feet and her hands and can often be found holding her feet, even when she sleeps. She loves looking a herself in the mirror and coos all the time. I just love her sweet little voice. She's holding her head up really well and can sit up for a while when propped up by pillows. It is SO much fun watching her learn and grow. She is soaking up the world around her like a little sponge and it is just so cool.

Jane was born with a port wine stain birthmark on her left cheek, chin, and neck. Port wine stains often change in texture and deepen in color with age, so we met with a pediatric dermatologist and decided to treat it. We started her laster treatments yesterday in Birmingham and our sweet little girl was such a trooper. Mom and Dad took it much harder than she did, hah. Every month for the next 7-10 months we'll be doing the laser treatment. The birthmark turns dark purple after the treatment for 1-2 weeks. I wasn't planning on talking much about her birthmark or our decision to treat it, but since the treatment is a visible process I figured it would be better to fill everyone in. :-)
And now for some pictures!
Our little chunk! |
Kevin's mom stopped by to meet Jane! |
Aunt Tammy getting good snuggles from Libby and Jane. |
We stopped by the brewery on our way out of Birmingham. |
Love these little Emma & Jane updates. :) She's too much cuteness.