Thanksgiving 2012, of course!
This year a trip to my dad's was well overdue. I haven't seen my dad, my little sister, or grandmother in over 2 years, since our wedding. I'm too far along to fly, and let's be honest, who wants to pay $400+ per ticket for a 2 hour flight any ways, so we decided driving would be our best option. And bringing Libby, well, that's not ideal, but we didn't want to board her for a week.
Now, let's flashback quickly to Christmas 2011. Remember our road trip through Tuscany? It was like a comedy of errors. Poor Libby got sick 4 times in the first hour on the road. And, I'll mention too, that Libby, just like her mother, gets carsick on the way to Lake Martin...and that's just a 30 min. trip.
So at the crack of dawn on Wednesday (actually 3:45am) we set out for our looooong drive.
Extra pillows to keep mamma-to-be comfy...check.
Plenty of music for the drive...check.
Directions...check, check.
Our drive was uneventful, which is exactly how you want a long trip to be. I'm happy to report that Libby did GREAT. She didn't get sick once. She did have to sit in my lap the entire way, but I enjoyed the snuggle time. We made great time and got to my dad's exactly 12 hours after we left Auburn, just in time for dinner and to celebrate Jessica's 8th birthday.
In addition to eating tons of yummy food, we took a drive on Skyline Drive. It was pretty cool. Lots of amazing views and we even saw a black bear! Yikes! We also went to the new Air & Space Museum that is out by Dulles Airport. It was my first time going to that one, but I've been to the one in D.C. many, many times. It was one of our favorite things to do when we were visiting our dad when we were little, so every time we were there we had to go to that museum.
The museum was awesome. It's like taking a trip down memory lane for my family. PapPap (Wes is his real name) is my grandfather and he was an amazing person. He was in the air force and flew B-52 bombers in WWII. The average life span of a flight crew was about 12 missions. His crew flew more than 30. He was a brilliant engineer and went in to research and development after the war and was project manager on some pretty amazing projects, including developing the brake system and tires for the space shuttles. It makes me sad that Jim never got to meet him and makes me even more sad that Baby J won't get to know him.
The trip was a quick one, but it was so nice to see everyone. On Sunday we made the looooong drive back to Auburn. That trip took us 13+ hours and was a bit of a nightmare. There was just so much traffic, it was unbelievable. Libby had another good car ride though. She slept on my lap the whole way back and didn't have any problems. So proud of my little girl!
Here are a few pictures from the trip:
Poor Libby was so worried we were going to forget her. |
Family photo attempt #1 |
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Family photo attempt #2 |
Jessica and Libby being silly. |
See that black spot in the center? That's a black bear. |
Me and the Hubby at the Air & Space Museum. |
I LOVE all these planes! So cool. |
The space shuttle that PapPap designed the tires and brake system for. |
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