Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Something I love about Rome

The produce.

It's cheap. It's abundant. And it makes me extremely happy.

Citrus is in season right now. That means oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, clementini and arance rosse (clementines and blood oranges). I'm still waiting for the blood oranges, they are late comers in the citrus season. But clementines, oh man, I think I've just about eaten my weight in them.

My obsession, or maybe better stated, addiction, started while Jim and I were in Nice in November. I saw these beautiful little gems piled up in the Cours Saleya market and I bought a few. It was love at first bite. They were so sweet and delicious. When we got back to Rome we started buying them buy the kilo. One Saturday we bought un kilo di clementini for only €1.50. The entire kilo was gone by Monday morning. We went back to the market shortly after and bought 3kg more...a mere 6.6lbs. of fruit. We're still keeping up the habit and will for the foreseeable future.

I'm dreading the day when my beloved clementini are no longer in season, but I know there will be a whole new crop of goodies to get hooked on - like fragole, mirtilli, lamponi. Can't wait!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Villa Pamphili

Villa Pamphili is a little slice of zen in the city. It is the largest public park in Rome and it is just a quick 5 minute walk from our house.

It was my escape when I was here as an intern and it is still my escape today. It is where I go to clear my head, it is where I go to think and pray, and it is where I go to enjoy the fresh air. And, not to mention, it is where I go to combat my never ending battle with pasta and cheese. It has been so cold and unbelievably rainy here that I actually forgot, well almost, about the sense of peace that a little fresh air and sunshine can bring. But, thank God, I rediscovered it.

The past 2 weekends I have found myself power-walking to the park, running a few miles, sitting and soaking up the sun and fresh, cigarette-free air and just being still. This is where I feel like I can belong. No one in the park knows that I don't speak Italian, no one knows I'm scared out of my mind because I have no idea why I moved myself and my husband 5000 miles away from home, and there I feel a million miles away from the everyday annoyances of living in a new and foreign place.

The past 2 weeks have been so hard. Jim is still in the US, and won't be back until Wednesday. I've cried a lot, I've almost packed up and moved home, and I've cursed at Rome for being so complicated and frustrating - I've completely broken down. And, while all this is happening to me, Jim gets to be at home with his family, friends & pets. He gets to enjoy non-Italian food and good 'ol American football...Auburn-style. What can I say, I'm extremely envious.

But now, looking back on this time alone, I think it needed to happen. I think I needed to be broken and reminded that I am not in control - He is in control and He has a plan. I'm still trying to adjust to life as a non-planner, and it is not easy.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

War Eagle!

Today for me, yesterday for everyone else, was the day that Auburn won the national championship game.

Jim was the lucky tiger (can't say lucky duck...) that got to stay in the US and go to Arizona with his mom, dad, and sister to watch the game. I've never been more sad, or jealous, or homesick, or excited to watch a football game in my entire life.

But, I had a big taste of home all the way in Rome. First of all, our new apartment came equipped with a huge flat screen TV and the complete Sky satellite package, including ESPN America. Thank God for ESPN America (and that is the first and last time I will ever say that!) The game started at 2:30am Rome time, so my plan was to come home from work and go straight to bed, getting 6.5 hours of sleep, then watch the game, then get a few more hours of sleep, then get ready and go to work. In theory it was a great plan, but in actuality there was no way it would work.

I left the office at 5, got home around 6 and started trying to wind down. At 7 I went to bed, well attempted. I tossed and turned for 2 hours, called my mom crying because I was so frustrated with being in Rome, then laid on the couch and watched Food Network on Slingbox (thank you Drew!) I caught up on Giada at Home, Down Home with the Neely's, and Cupcake Wars, then finally dozed off around 11. I woke back up at 12, moved back to my bedroom and got 2 good hours of sleep. At 2:00am, I jumped out of bed, ran to the living room and turned on the TV and my computer. I called Laura on Skype and me, her & Dustin ended up Skyping the entire game. It was amazing to get to "watch" the game with someone and I actually don't know if I would have been able to stay up if I was all by myself.

The game was one of the best games I've ever seen. It was fun to see the best of the best go head to head. It was well played on both sides, but Auburn of course was victorious! The score was tied 19-19 and in the last seconds (literally with only 2 seconds left) we kicked a field goal. At 6:30am a mere 2 shots of espresso, half a box of Cheerios con miele, and 22 points later Auburn won its first national championship title since 1957. It was a historic event and I'm so glad I was awake to see it.

After the game there was no way I could get any amount of sleep. So I watched Toomer's Corner get rolled, courtesy of the fabulous City of Auburn webcam, called my hubby and then got ready for work. I'm sure I'm going to crash in a few hours, but it is well worth it. I'm so proud to be a member of the Auburn family and even more proud of our Auburn Tigers!

War Eagle!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Becoming a Non-planner

I have no idea what the future holds for Jim & I. We have no idea how long we will be in Rome and every time friends and family ask I get stressed out. I tend to blurt out 3-5 years, just because it is far enough away that I don't really have to think about it. But, in actuality, I can only plan my life in short 6 month spurts because I am only a consultant. So for now it's Rome, then in July it's back to Auburn for contract break, and then in August, who knows? Maybe Rome again, maybe someplace new. There are so many things that the decision depends on. Will Jim find a job? Will we be able to finally feel like Rome is our home? Or, will we succumb to the intense feelings of homesickness?

I came across this verse that gives me comfort as I try to adjust to my new life as a non-planner:

"Do not be anxious about anything, but everything through prayer and petition, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ." Phil. 4:6

It reminds me that I don't need to stress about where we will be in 6 months. I need to pray about it and keep focusing on the tasks at hand. God's plan is perfect and it will be made abundantly clear the direction we need to take.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A New, New Year's Resolution

This year I'm trying something different for my New Year's Resolution. It isn't to loose weight, it isn't to eat healthier, and it isn't to get organized.

Nope, this year I'm making my New Year's Resolution to fall in love with Rome. To really enjoy the city and make it my home. To seek out those hidden gems in the city and explore every nook and cranny.

I spent the fall being stressed and picking out every flaw Rome had to offer. From the over crowded and unreliable transportation to the dog poo covered sidewalks - I was letting it all drive me crazy. I can't control any of that, but I can control how I let it effect me.

Rome is a beautiful city steeped in great history. There are amazing sites to be seen and yummy food to be eaten. I can't wait to see what I discover!